Lmprove efficiency through control

Our LED lights include technologies that provide high quality lighting and significant energy savings in commercial parking lighting applications, especially when combined with adaptive control integration.One of the biggest advantages of LED lighting is dimming, so one of our optional controls includes a 0-10v dimmable driver to give you this.We also offer adjustable passive infrared photo/motion sensor control with sensors up to 10V (high mode), and without these sensors, can be lowered to 1V (low mode) to detect motion and adjust light output. After a longer detection motion sensor stops detecting motion, the delay control keeps the light in high mode, the default time is 5 minutes, then switches back to low mode.Our cut-off control then completely shuts down the fixture after running the default time of one hour in low mode.Photocell control is another option that tells the luminaire when to turn it on or off based on the current amount of ambient light.

When you combine all the potential options, you can create a successful adaptive control integrated sensor to prevent the LED pole lights from illuminating the empty parking lot with full brightness when it is not necessary.These innovative controls further enhance your energy savings and reduce light pollution, making our products more suitable for night use.Even if you don't plan to use these controls right away, it's important to build on the ability to implement them in the future.

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