Bought for my husband as a gift. Took him a few days to get around to installing it but when he did, he eas blown away! It's super bright and nicely adjustable. He replaced our garage door openen bulb with this for his shop light. Highly recommend
This light is really convenient for brightening up that space where you need extra light. Since there wasn’t a socket right above my work area, I got this light which can easier be aimed in the right direction. It provides adequate light to do the job now.
It's like daylight under the stairs now! Just amazing how much improvement one of these can make. We have a storage area under the stairs in the basement and just had a single light bulb there.Swapped it out for this baby and it's a total game changer! Can actually see the baby stiff and Christmas decorations now. Amazing.
I had a dim incandescent bulb in the attic connected to a light bulb socket that was oriented horizontally, so the bulb was facing outwards.This is a direct screw-in replacement to a normal bulb and it immediately added a whole lotta light to the attic. The swivel base allows the light panels to drop down and each of them are adjustable directionally.Just be aware that 6500K color temperature is definitely in the realm of I need to see because I am working , and opposite from I just want to chill. (which is closer to 2700K). If you need a bulb for a socket that is not oriented perfectly vertically, and that spot is where you need a lot of working light, this is an excellent choice.
Now I can see where the missing sock is hiding! The LED garage light brings a lot of light to my laundry space in my garage. It’s really bright and makes it so much easier to see in what’s typically a dark corner of my garage. The light fixture has six adjustable light panels that helps with spreading light in dark places. Unfortunately, the light fixture I have limits the movement of the panels but once I swap the fixture out I will be able to take advantage of the angles. This is an easy and much more reasonable light opposed to a single light bulb.
This is perfect for garage as you would have lots of corner hard to cover by a normal light bulb. No matter how bright you bulb is, you would still have much area not lit up. With this light bulb you would be able too cover much more area and you can fine tune and set that to different angle. It works great and not too expensive
This is fantastic! I have a high pull chain light in the attic and while a single light bulb works, this WORKS. I've seen a bunch of these, but never that allow you to turn the whole thing 90 degrees, which for me was perfect, because the light bulb was mounted sideways. This lets me take advantage of the full set of panels because I could point them down without having to move the fixture.So much more light, more energy efficient, 1 minute install.... what's not to love?
This is a very bright light. It’s a little cooler on the spectrum than what I normally like, however it works well and lights up my garage bay nicely. Simple to install and packed well. This light is very adjustable.